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Case Study - Georgia Aquarium

Scenario at Georgia Aquarium

The Georgia Aquarium is the largest aquarium in the Western Hemisphere with over 10 million gallons of fresh and marine water and tens of thousands of animals. The wonder that is inspired by visiting this incredible attraction in Atlanta, GA is the reason so many people each year choose to make the trip.

With so many people making the trip to visit the amazing sights the Georgia Aquarium has to offer, it becomes increasingly harder and harder to maintain the high standards of visitor satisfaction that the organization strives for.

​In order to ensure that visitor satisfaction, not only stays steady, but also improves, it is necessary to consistently review and understand all of the visitor feedback they are receiving.

Problem at Georgia Aquarium

The overall revenue for the Georgia Aquarium was becoming stagnant and the number of visitors was not increasing. Being an organization that strives for growth and increasing success at all times, the Georgia Aquarium made it a point to better understand what would be required to make sure their revenue and number of visitors were increasing.

One of the first things they looked into was investigating their visitor satisfaction in order to get a deeper insight on what people experienced before and after visiting their organization. The goal being to gain a deeper insight into what might be negatively impacting a visitor’s experience, and thus impacting referrals from past visitors.

​They began using various methods, all of which had been standard for some time, but quickly realized that the information they were getting was dated and already known, and not providing any new insights or making any impact on directing or triggering real traffic to visit them, and thereby having no impact on the revenue.

Solution by Tatvam

In order to understand their visitors’ experience better and get a fresh perspective, the Georgia Aquarium decided to utilize the Tatvam tool in order to gain a deeper insight into what people were saying and experiencing about their organization.

​Through analyzing the massive amount of feedback that was available to them online on various review and social media sites, they were able to identify many reviews about topics surrounding their dolphin show, the beluga whales and other attractions.

However, the biggest eye opener, was the number of reviews surrounding the topic of crowding, and how these reviews were affecting their overall visitor feedback ratings.

As a result of the reports provided by Tatvam, the Georgia Aquarium was not only able to identify that overcrowding was the most commonly mentioned detractor to their visitors’ overall experience, but using Tatvam they were able to navigate specifically to the reviews and comments that mentioned the topic of crowding and truly understand the issue. Based on the insights that they were able to gather from their use of the Tatvam platform surrounding this overcrowding problem. The Georgia Aquarium set out to make major changes to help mitigate this issue and ensure that guest satisfaction was not compromised by overcrowding.

Through various counter-measures and promotions, the Georgia Aquarium ensured that they could sway some people to choose less peak times for their visit so that the crowds could start to be more manageable at all times.

Using Tatvam, they were able to monitor the effectiveness of these measures in order to measure if the ratings on crowding were improving as a result.

End Value Provided

The end result was astounding. Tatvam was instrumental in enabling the Georgia Aquarium to measure the success of their counter-crowding efforts. Through careful monitoring of the customer feedback using Tatvam over the course of nine months, users at the aquarium were able to see overall visitor satisfaction scores steadily increase over this time period, while the number of negative reviews surrounding crowding dropped and the topic became less severe of an issue.

The ability to measure the success of these initiatives provided the necessary data to support these organizational changes and more importantly to keep them in effect.

Due to these changes being made, not only did visitor satisfaction improve, but there was a direct correlation to an increase in overall attendance over the year before by 20%, which ultimately resulted in a 15% increase in overall revenue!

Hartsfield-Jackson Case Study


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